Segmentation Paradigm

Karn Anand
3 min readAug 14, 2020


An assignment for a SaaS product which allows the user to run multiple variations of their web page to different visitor segments.

Problem statement

The challenge was to design a UI module that allows users to easily select and create a complex combination of visitor segments that they want to target. At the same time, it shouldn’t be too much in the user’s face by showing them all the segment fields open, if they don’t want to target any specific segment (which is the default action).

Visitor Segment:
Location — All Countries
Browser — Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera
Operating system — Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Unix
Day of the week — Mon, Tue, Wed ….
Visitor type — New, Returning
Mobile Device- iPhone,iPad, Android, Symbian, Blackberry, Windows Phone

The user owns a computer e-commerce store in Canada and wants to show a ‘Friday Macbook Special’ offer page only to people who don’t yet own a Mac computer. He also thinks that people who own an iPhone/iPad might be interested in buying a mac computer.

Design Process

Research & Survey

Since I have used Google Ads services in the past to run ads for my company. I can understand the complex journeys one has to experience while creating segments and targeted keywords. Hence, I have taken inspiration from Google AD, Google Analytics, and GoDaddy dashboards. These are the top tools that industry leaders are using to accomplish their marketing goals.


Though information about one of the users was shared (Peter), but it was not enough for persona building. So, I hypothetically added some behavioral factors, personal info, and pain points of the user.

User Story

Based on persona and shared use-case, created a user story that helped me understand the task-flow.


Visual Design

Since it is a marketing tool with maximum data and many interactions. I decided to use soothing colors, easy to eye but at the same time modern and match the current trend.





Karn Anand

Product Designer based out of New Delhi, India. I specialize in Digital Product Design & Branding.